If you're an avid reader of this blog, you will know that this Saturday, July 30th is the first Boston Region meetup of the Indie Beauty Network. At this lunch and mini-conference, along with yours truly, there are going to be other very special guests. I'd like to take this post to tell you a little about one of them.
Alfonso Santaniello, social entrepreneur, started the Creative Strategy Agency in 2009 at the age of 25, an innovative marketing agency offering marketing, video marketing, web marketing, branding, public relations, advertising and more. Clients included: Agway, LTW Custom Cosmetics, The Love, Mich Collection, Capri Pizza, WhatsUpAndWhere.com, The Still Bar and Grill and many more.
He has just launched his second business, The Businews Channel, a business web channel airing 25 original business web shows sharing business insight the way it should be - fun and entertaining. The channel, coincidentally enough, launched on July 18th.
He is a member of the Young Professional Society of Greater Springfield and sits on the marketing committee, a member of BNI, Board Member and Director of Marketing for The Agawam Small Business Assistance Center which offers free monthly seminars and workshops for businesses and professionals. He adds that if he has free time, he enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling, and running.
With his expertise in business and marketing, I am extremely excited to have Al there as a guest, speaking on the topic of "What You Can Do Today to Earn Holiday Sales Tomorrow".
Saturday is really going to be an excellent day, where hopefully we can all do a lot of learning, sharing and growing. A professional marketer like Al sharing his tips and insight will be an invaluable addition, and I am really looking forward to his presentation and to the workshops that follow!
If you'd like to attend and meet Al, you can read more about the event and register here.
Al is definitely on the move. An entrepreneur with a thriving business who takes the time to help others be successful is definitely a person to meet! What a fantastic event -- everyone will have a blast and learn so much!
dM... the excitement grows. Tomorrow is Friday. The next day... is Saturday in Boston. Whoop!
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