So... it's 8.00am now, and I'm sitting here waiting for The Barbara to wake up. She ain't no morning person, and I so want to spill to her about the website home page that I woke up to early this morning.
She's making the drive today. Yes... I shall be silly dancing to 70's and oldies songs with my Sally mom until Thursday. The workshop will be alive like you wouldn't know. I mention The Barbara often in my postings. She's a real right hand man for me. I've been waiting eleven years for her to moan about some of the tasks and duties she does in the name of family. I've yet to hear anything resembling misery or griping from her. She truly is a rare gem. You can't miss us whenever we're out together. We're an odd couple from different sides of the Atlantic, yet we've so much in common. You know... sometimes odd is just the right place to be.
Spot the pair of us in this pic taken by Jason last summer along the beautifully scenic cliff walk in Newport, Rhode island. Click on the pic to see closer. I doubt you'll miss which one I am. The Barbara is right next to me in her shades, grinning her head off. Cool mom dude or what?
you can spot you a mile off mum, no need to zoom. I can spot 'The Barbara' perfect hair do every time. what a pair!!!
Good Luck with your new web site !!!!! Say hello tp "The Barbara" for me !!!! Shirley
Shezzie: You never fail to make me smile!
Shirley: The website went live tonight at 8.00pm without a hitch. WE all did the happy dance - Barbara too. I've passed on your best to her. Glad to see you here!
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