Wherever you go, whatever you do, whether you're on your doorstep, in your back garden, in work, in church, anywhere... if you see a woman you know, spread the word.
Ahhhhhh... how to open up a conversation on ovarian cancer. Yeah, like you really can say to someone at the bus stop, "Oh the weather's good today. Wanna know about ovarian cancer?" What you really need is a good conversation opener, and they've got a brilliant thing going on over at www.tealtoes.org. I'm doing my bit to take part in spreading the word about this dreadful killer, and I hope you'll join me.
The photos of toes that you can see above are pics of my daughter's toes, over in England. Teal is the color that represents ovarian cancer. It's not Ovarian Cancer Month in the UK, but she's not letting that stop the word getting around. Her sister-in-law owns a cafe, and they're throwing a Teal Toes Party. Everyone who shows up is getting their toenails painted.
It started out with an invite list of 15 friends. Almost every one of them have since asked if they can bring another friend or three. The party is next week and she hasn't a clue how many are gonna turn up. Not to be daunted, though, my little girl is still posting flyers. They're all going to be painting each other's toes teal. That's a lot of conversation starters.
I'll be running photographs throughout the month of any teal painted toes. Get your girlfriends around. Throw your own little Teal Toes Party. Just send me your pics, your first name and your state. I don't need your faces, just your toes. Let's drag this silent killer out of the shadows.
In memory of Linda. 1956-2005
oooo thems my toes, i'm on my fourth set of teals. Teal toes has hit Pembrokeshire...you go girls!!!!
aww, the little flowers are so cute!
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