Two days before she made the flight, she threw a Teal Toes party at the cafe owned by her sister-in-law. She'd plotted and planned throughout August, working with Carey over at tealtoes.org. And by the time the big party day came, she had leaflets, handout cards, ribbons and stickers. Donna at the cafe kindly donated the space and the room was decked out in teal, with pink as a nice contrast. Teal balloons, teal trailer ribbons, teal nail polish. All teal, teal, teal. A nice welcome for everyone who was due to arrive.
The day was a huge success, with lots of friends and family, and friends of friends, and cafe patrons all coming and going for the whole afternoon. Toenails were painted, as were fingernails, and there was even one or two teal colored ribbons painted on faces.
Teal Toes is a family all on its own. All through September, women all across America have thrown their own little Teal Toes party. Some in many a number, others with just their BFF. It's all been about one large body of people gathering together to make a noise. It's a huge Teal Toes party. A family of teal toes, all spreading the word about ovarian cancer, by painting their toenails teal and telling everyone they know about the whispering symptoms.
There's still a week of September left to go. It isn't too late to join the party, with your own bottle of teal colored nail polish. There's nothing that says you can't do it alone, but it's a feeling and a half sharing with someone else.
The photos above are from the cafe party held by my youngest daughter, and her sister-in-law Donna. There's five days of the month remaining. Go grab that bottle of teal and make some noise.

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