Friday, January 18, 2008

Specktra Girls

I love to take a hot shower after yoga. There is something about the warm soothing water that really relaxes and calms me. I would love to use manor hall's products during those showers. When the products smell good it makes that time all the more special.
I love trying new products in the tub and making myself feel pretty and smell good. I would love to try some olive oil products from Manor Hall Soap Company to try and appease my dry, winter skin...
I take a hot bath with soap from Manor Hall..
Until I awake and hear the real world call.
No more dry skin for me,
Just moisturized, soft, and snuggly to a tee.
Why are all these people talking about Manor Hall Soap? They were part of an innovative contest run by Janice over at In early December, I sent off a lovely box of Manor Hall goodies as part of the Specktra holiday contest giveaway. Janice had contacted me and asked me if I would like to donate, and I was more than happy to take part.

On Manor Hall giveaway day, the community was asked: Respond with your personal favorite relaxation technique and how you would use this prize from Manor Soap Hall Company to unwind. It inspired many creative responses that were a delight to read. You can catch the thread here and read them for yourself.

Janice has an excellent beauty community of cosmetically minded followers who gather to read and share the latest in makeup. She also has reviews and beauty news on her main site and on her blog. Go take a look in at the forum, but I warn you, be prepared to be there a long time, it's a very good read.

1 comment:

JaniceFTW said...

Thanks so much for your support of Specktra with the Haul A Days promotion. It really meant so much the lucky winner who received your goodies. They've gushed non stop about them! Keep in touch!