It's the last day of the month and I've a busy day ahead. I was in the workshop early this morning on a wrapfest and that's gonna be the flavor of the day. I love wrapping the soap bars. It's relaxing, and it's so satisfying to pull them off the shelves and start the prep for cleaning and dressing them.

It's the first of the new month tomorrow. That means it's the web site changeover. Jason will be in the hot seat this evening, so if you're shopping please try to bear that in mind. I've already chosen the order box freebies for June. All made and lined up in their rows. Every one of them ready to do the happy dance as they go into the order boxes.
Website changeover for June, happening this evening. The new month is almost here!
Your soap looks so happy lined up in their neat rows =) I hope the website switchover went smoothly!
What lovely, meticulous wrapping boy, I wish I could do that! So crisp and perfectly folded -love it! :)
Anne-Marie: Great to see you. I love lining them up as I go along. It keeps me going.
Soap Sister: Thank you! I've done it for that many years now, I make it look easy. However, it's not so easy when you're doing your 100th one in a row. :)
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