Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Very First Page

This is worse than being given a brand new exercise book in class. It always was a love/hate relationship with me, that was. You get a brand new book, open it at the very first page, and you promise yourself you're gonna be as neat as possible. And there you are, the first stroke of the pen and the writing's wobbly. And you have to stare at that every time you open the thing.

Yes. This is rather like that. It's the first page of the Manor Hall Soap Blog, and it's like, what do I write. And do I really need so many "and"s in the first paragraph? And you know what? It never was a good idea to use that pen on the first page until I'd got rid of the shakes. It's always better to get that first page behind you.

So... I'm gonna say hello to everyone, far and wide. The book is open. The spine is cracked. And so is the very first page...


Jen said...

Welcome to the world of Blogging my friend!

Blooming Lily said...

Yeah! Nice start!!

shezzie said...

hey mum, yer live! yey. x

Miss Malaprop said...

You're off to a good start! Best of luck with your new blog!

Sarah said...

Congratulations on the new blog! It looks great, and you're definitely keeping me interested, so I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job, and have lots of fun!