They had forecast it to rain all day long. We arrived to set up at about 8:45am and the rain stopped. We didn't see another drop until we were packing up the car to go. All in all, a very comfortable day weatherwise and not a bad turnout. They're saying tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and 75 degrees, so I think it's going to be a busy day. The Festival is always great.
A big thank you to all my customers who turned out to see us, and all my regulars who buy from us at Mattoon once a year. I love seeing all of you and it really makes all the work worth it. When you sell primarily on the internet, you don't get to interact too much with customers. I love watching everyone pick up the soap bars and smell them. It's very, very satisfying.
Oh, and by the way...

Whooooo-hoo! Yes, that red ribbon is mine. My booth (above) won second place in my category of "mixed media". I can't remember the last time I won anything. The woman came over talking to me and then said she "had something" for me. I had no idea. It was the ribbon! I really had no idea. I grinned like a cheshire cat for the rest of the day. I'm still grinning. Rain or shine tomorrow, it doesn't matter. I got the prize.
Thanks again to everyone, and me and my ribbon are looking forward to a gorgeous day tomorrow.
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