The Almost Sunset scent is a complex one. I use nine different essential oils, and spent weeks marrying them so they would play off each other perfectly. Right from the start I knew in my mind exactly what smell I wanted, and refused to settle for anything less. It had to hit strong, but with a velvet glove. I wanted something that would cause an instant reaction to the senses... followed by a lingering hue and ending with a soft whisper of "What was that?"
I got what I wanted with my Almost Sunset scent blend. But what I hadn't bargained for was the feeling the scent stirred inside me. It took me right back to one sunset filled evening on the beach in Cape May, New Jersey. It's the one night I will always remember. A night I never wanted to end. An evening that started with the anticipation of sunset. Almost Sunset. The bar named itself.
Whenever this soap bar sits on my table, it draws people in. They pick it up, smell it... and for some inexplicable reason they too are taken back to a time they remember. And for many, it's a time they never wanted to end. Sometimes, the memories flow openly and talk at my table is lively with personal stories.
I don't know what my favorite thing is about my favorite bar. Maybe it's the way the jojoba oil kisses the skin. Maybe it's the soft whisper that drowns out the initial shout of scent. And maybe, just maybe there's a little bit more to this bewitching bar than meets the skin.
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